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The Kindred are the multitudes of sentient species that make up the world of Prismatia. War, peace, discord and friendship all exist among the kindred. They vary greatly in size, shape, gender, body type, and features.


Age: 5000 - 6000 years

Height: 5'7" - 6'3"

Dragons are the second oldest kindred in Prismatia history, boasting a proud history and prouder heritage. According to Dragon lore, the God Rugnar and the Goddess Grainia, both gods of war in their own rights, became so heated during an affair that their inner fire created the ever-burning flame that resides in the hearts of all dragons.

While Dragons have a true form that is enormous in size and powerful in stature, it takes a tremendous amount of magic and energy to maintain this form. Therefore, many dragons take the form of humanoid creatures. Many retain their scaly skin, while others retain their tails and occasional horns. All dragons have visible wings, even in their humanoid form. They vary in skin tone and hair color and texture, and traditionally have intensely colored eyes with lizard-like pupils.


Age: 5000 - 6000 years

Height: 5'2" - 5'11"

Dryads are graceful, beautiful, peaceful creatures that are partially plant-like. They tend to have a green tint to their skin, and their hair is a mixture of follicles and vines and flowers. Their natural scent is usually that of rich florals. Their skin sometimes has small pieces of bark or a waxy, leaf-like coating.

Dryads are some of the first beings to ever exist in Prismatia, evolved from the flora that has grown for millennia. They believe in a serene life, wishing to only harmonize with nature and the wild rhythms of the land.


Age: 800 - 1000 years

Height: 4’ - 5'

Among the most ancient and well-respected of all the kindred, the Dwarves are mighty and proud, protecting the land of Prismatia with more ferocity and loyalty than any others. Dwarves believe they are blessed as a people by the powerful god, Rugnar, and have a responsibility to shelter the land from all who would do it harm.

Despite their small stature, they are incredibly strong, often stronger than humans and even Vori twice their size. They use their immense strength to power and run many of the forges of Prismatia, and are among the most skilled of all weapon smiths. In addition, they are experts in the mining, processing, and use of Almasium, a powerful magical crystal used by the Sapphi for many of their works.


Age: 2000 - 2500 years

Height: 5'7" - 6'3"

Beautiful, ethereal, and other worldly, elves are some of the oldest beings in the history of Prismatia. It is said they came to being when pure drops of light from Eldari herself fell to the earth. From the seed of light came the elves. They are bound to the forests and to nature, worshipping and respecting flora and fauna alike.

Elves are traditionally tall, lean, and have fair traits that make them exceptionally beautiful. They vary in skin, hair, and eye color. They have slender pointed ears.


Age: 800 - 1000 years

Height: -

Mischievous, adventurous, and exceedingly beautiful in appearance, Fairies are primal beings, among the first of Prismatia. They have a strong connection to the moon and the Goddess, Lenora, and many believe that Lenora herself was the mother of the first fairies.

While fairies traditionally maintain their smaller form (only 10"-12" in height) to conserve magical energy, they have the ability to change their size to suit their needs. They can become the size of the average human, or can reach large sizes of up to 10’ tall. In their smaller form, they have glowing wings that resemble insects, specifically butterflies. However, in their larger forms, their wings are not present.


Age: 80 - 100 years

Height: 5'5" - 6'2"

Versatile, expansive, and occasionally warlike, humans have inhabited Prismatia for Thousands of years. Once belonging to scattered tribes and nomadic lifestyles, humans in recent centuries have built and expanded more than any kindred in Prismatia.

While the exact origins of humans are unknown, Legends tell of the All-Mother herself placing her hands deep into the soil of Prismatia and forming humans of the clay of the earth. Then, Daghlah, King of the Skies and God of the winds, breathed life into the creature. However, it is said that when the heart of humans was being forged, a single drop of Rugnar’s blood fell into the forge, forever cursing humans with a deep desire for war and discord.


Age: 100 - 200 years

Height: 5'2" - 5'11"

An ancient race, the merpeople ascended to the earth of Prismatia thousands of years ago, bringing with them their immense knowledge of the deep, military prowess, and the bounty of the sea. Seeking to ever expand their vast empires below, the merpeople strive for peace, but are always prepared for war.

Merpeople are similar to humans in appearance, however, tend to have patches of scales, gills, or fins. Their skin is usually toned with color (green, blue, red, etc). Many have hair, while others have fins atop their heads. Their lean frames make them agile athletes.


Age: 80 - 100 years

Height: 5'6" - 6'0"

Simple, Loyal, and tribal in nature, Orcs are normally social outcasts, keeping only to themselves. They have a strong sense of comradery and fraternity, forming lifelong bonds and treating oaths with the utmost solemnity. They are extremely territorial, and often warlike against other kindred, as well as themselves.

Orcs are about the average height of a human, but have very distinctive features, including pointed ears, tinted skin, large tusk-like teeth, pronounced brows, and favor their top half as far as proportion.


Age: 80 - 100 years

Height: 5’ - 5'10"

The Visti are a rare, but well celebrated kindred. For centuries, they have dedicated themselves to the preservation and expansion of all Prismatia knowledge. Many Visti villages have extensive libraries, and the Visti pride themselves on their education system.

While primarily human in body, they possess the traits and characteristics of various species of birds, including hawks, eagles, owls, and even cranes. They have large, visible wings on their backs, capable of carrying their light frames. Many have feathers all over the body. Nearly all Visti have beaks and birdlike heads, and many have talons instead of human feet. Visti do grow hair, but only on their heads.


Age: 160 - 200 years

Height: 5'3" - 7'

A Vorus (Vori plural) is a creature that consists of characteristics of both humans and one of the following categories of animal: Canines (dogs, wolves), felines( cats, lions, cougars, jaguars), Ursa (bears), or vulpis (fox). They vary drastically in height and weight due to their various types.

Vori have the ears and tails of the animals in question, along with paw-like hands with dexterity, pointed snouts, and sometimes haunches. Many are covered in fur, some even have whiskers.


Age: 160 - 200 years

Height: 5'4" - 6'3"

Reclusive, mysterious, and often aloof, Witches have been the protectors of ancient magical secrets for thousands of years. Some say the witches are descendants of the goddess of magic herself, while others believe they were once humans, but became altered after prolonged interactions with Starglass.

Identical to humans in appearance, witches almost exclusively have white or silver hair, regardless of their complexion. They vary in height and weight as humans do, but tend to live twice as long.


Age: 80 - 100 years

Height: 2'6" - 4'6"

Humble, hospitable, and proud, the halflings are a subspecies of human, approximately half their average height and weight. Though many speculate that the halflings predate humans, there is no record to support it.

Halflings believe in a simple, quiet life. They tend to recluse into their own villages and have their own way of life that is mysterious to many. Many are farmers or some sort of agricultural experts. Halflings tend to avoid practicing magic, believing it to be unnatural for their kind and “best left to the witches”.