Join us for the Hunters Moon Ball at Mezzos on Oct. 19th! Get your tickets today!



Welcome to the Faction of Obsydia. You must be here because you are blessed by the darkness of Prismatia. For what light can exist without darkness? They like to call us the “bad guys”, but this simply isn’t true….. Most of the time. As children of the night, We fall under the embrace of the 3 moons and the goddesses of the darkness. Here, we embrace the night and all the treasures it has to offer. Goblins and trolls dance, thieves form lasting bonds, dark Lords find equals, and an evil sorceress is never without a friend. Founded 3,000 years ago by the mighty dragon prince, Ozlo, the Obsydia have dedicated themselves to balancing the scales between light and darkness, with the prince himself heading the Faction to this day. So, you think you have what it takes, newbie?