Join us for the Hunters Moon Ball at Mezzos on Oct. 19th! Get your tickets today!



Goddess of thieves, secrets, wealth, and the oldest child of Hadhel. Her blood is what forged the first gold of Prismatia. The shadowy underbelly of Prismatia worships her as a goddess that will bring good fortune, but her real name is to never be invoked. She is simply referred to as the “Shadow Queen”.


Blue moon goddess, goddess of silence, sleep, dreams, and nightmares. Her great love of the god, Seracles, burned so bright that she forged the first star and presented it to him as a gift, from which he made the galaxy. She is kind, shy, and reclusive. Her voice is the bringer of nightmares, so she seldom speaks. When she does, it can appear nonsensical, as she doesn’t wish to activate her powers on the unsuspecting.


Goddess of mothers, pregnancy, material instincts, and the home. Matron goddess of the autumn and harvest. She is said to be born of the light and love within the All-Mother’s heart. She is kind, warm, fiercely protective (especially of humans). Ama is also the goddess that blesses female with strength during child birth.


Non-binary God of fire, the sun, and the summer months. Their body is almost completely fire and they pull the sun across the sky of Prismatia with their bare hands every day. Cults of Conleth are steeped in strict purity rules, not allowing many members to marry, indulge in sweets or self-gratifying behavior. Many members identify as non-binary or genderfluid.


God of the skies, wind, air, clouds, and storms. As one of the Gods of the pillars of magic in Prismatia, he is one of the most worshipped of all the Gods, frequently causing animosity with the other Gods. He is the creator of all storms, wielding a mighty spear that shoots lightning.


Lady of mysteries, goddess of the night, darkness, mother of magic, twin sister of Myrd, daughter of Seracles. Goddess of the dark side of magic and the queen of eldritch horrors and the unknown. Her eyes are covered, for to stare into them causes immediate madness.


Maiden of light, goddess of the forest and all things flora. Her touch to the soil, with the assistance of the all-mother, brought forth the first plants and flowers, from which Dryads grew. The light of the Eldari’s heart is said to be the bright flame of virtue in all things. She is the goddess of springtime, and is also said to be the first elf.


God of Winter, Father of the Vori. He is a snow leopard Vorus with a step that creates rime on the ground, even in the intense heat. Son of the underworld god, Hadhel, he is the forger of the ice cages of the Underworld, said to be the coldest places in the Prismatia. He wields 2 swords, and clanging them together creates mighty snow storms and the ringing is the subsequent silence of the show. He is also the escort of the souls to Hadhel.


Goddess of beauty, love, and lust. Her kiss is said to heal any ailment, She is frequently depicted with gloves, as her touch is what makes all things in Prismatia fall in love. A popular saying amongst youth of Prismatia is “taking of the their gloves”, which is a saying meaning they are in “love” or “together”. She is a striking beauty that can make anyone fall for her, and as such, takes many lovers.


War priestess, champion of the gods, goddess of tactics and advanced warfare. She is the long time love interest of Rugnar, it is said only Grainia is able to defeat him both on the battlefield, and in feats of strength as well. Their heated love affair caused such a brilliant spark, it created the fire of the first Dragons.


God of the underworld, kind of the souls, fierce warrior to the gods. Many mortal cults worship him, especially humans. Father of the shadow queen, Aisana, and the winter god, Enzo, Hadhel created many circles to the Underworld, either condemning a soul to an icy fortress or welcoming them to an everlasting feast. His judgement comes from deeds done in life.


Goddess of knowledge, mother of all languages. Born from the wise words of the All-Mother, Kejrah appeared with the immense knowledge and helped the All-Mother by giving her children a great gift: the ability of communication. She then passed the gift to the kindred of Prismatia, making many other gods angry. She is proud, always 3 steps ahead, exceedingly clever, and is said to be the only god to know the ancient rites to re-awaken the All-Mother, stop the stars, and even destroy Prismatia.


Goddess of the pink moon, innocence, chastity, and maidenhood. She is bubbly, talkative, naive, sweet, kind-hearted, and is said to be the first laughter to ring through Prismatia. Although many admire her for her great beauty, she takes no lovers, believing in preserving her purity. Her best friends are her sisters, and dishonoring them is the only way to make her unhappy. She is the first of the fairies.


God of mysteries, arcana, and magic. Twin brother of Delvia, he is the representation of magic passed on through generations and the traditions of magic. His voice is said to be calming, and to hear it causes extreme mental clarity and the ability to see into the past.


God of water, oceans, king of the merpeople. N’iorsai is one of the most power of the gods, but is a hearty soul with a thunderous laugh and a sense of humour. His bounty of the sea is said to be one of Prismatia’s greatest gifts. He is also the first of the merpeople, and nearly all merpeople worship him.


God of the wilds, patron god of the animals. Another widely worshipped god, his cults spread all through Prismatia, from the butterfly temples of the fairies, to the dark wolf alters of the Obsydia. He is a beast-like creature, consisting of many animal parts, including a wolf tail, boar tusks, large elk antlers, and deer-like haunches. He has a hospitable, but unforgiving nature.


The mighty, god of the carnage side of war, athletics, mountains, and the first orc. When challenged by the other gods to test his bravery, it is said he dive from the God’s plane of existence and fell to Prismatia with such force, he created the mountains. Rugnar is extremely wise, but has little intelligence. His love interest of millennia has been Grainia, the war priestess goddess.


God of the Stars, father of clockwork and all machines. Given the first star by the goddess, Alvena, he forged every star in the firmament. He also created the Great Orrery, the intense clockwork machine that moves the stars of the galaxy and keeps it moving. The winds the clock every night. He is the father to the twins, Myrd and Delvia.


Silver moon goddess, goddess of hunting, inter-female relationships, and victory. Even the mighty Rugnar will offer a silent prayer to the silver moon on the eve of a battle. She is tall, stoic, blunt, dislikes flattery, and smalltalk, and her great spear never misses its quarry.